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Our AIM battles poverty and pandemic in Rohingya Refugee camp

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The United Nations has described the Rohingya people as one of the most persecuted peoples in the world. Over 1 million Rohingya have been displaced from their homes by military groups in Rakhine State, Myanmar. Tens of thousands were murdered by government-backed militias. Many of these Rohingya people have fled to Bangladesh as refugees.

In November 2018, Our AIM Foundation sent doctors, supplies, and construction teams to the epicenter of the refugee camps to provide this population with our lifesaving services and resources. To date, we’ve built over 300 homes and over 100 bore-wells and personal hygiene facilities, giving Rohingya clean water and safe spaces during these turbulent times.

We have brought medicine and other medical supplies to the refugee camp, and have several doctors and nurses on staff to address the needs of the people at the camp. We have also had several doctors from the United States volunteer at the camp through our foundation. All told, we have treated over 2,000 patients.

Many children lost their parents in the purges that took place in Myanmar. We believe that giving these children an education will increase their chances of future success manifold. We’ve also opened 5 schools that enroll more than 500 children, many of whom are orphans, as well as a trade school that allows Rohingya women to receive the same 12-week sewing course that we offer in our other locations. We hope to inspire these women to carve their own paths in life using their newfound career skills, potentially working as tailors, seamstresses, and clothing makers in order to achieve financial independence. Many of the women in the Rohingya refugee camp have been terribly mistreated, and suffered horrible acts against them. We at Our AIM are dedicated to empowering women and helping them succeed.

As part of our project to bolster the infrastructure at the camp, to transform the area into a livable community, we built a 100-foot bridge to help obviate the risks of flooding that come with seasonal rains in Bangladesh. Along with the nearly 200 sanitary restrooms and 380 bore wells, we have elevated the quality of life for the Rohingya refugees. Along with the bore wells and hygienic facilities that we have provided, we have also built over 400 homes, thanks to your donations. Our volunteers have helped the displaced Rohingya people turn their refugee camp into a community.

However, Our AIM’s refugee camp in Bangladesh suffered a catastrophic setback on May 12, 2020. A fire broke out in the Our AIM Foundation Rohingya Refugee Camp, transforming much of the newly-built infrastructure of the camp into now ash. Homes and public buildings were razed to the ground. The people are devastated, and need our help more than ever.

We have already begun the process of rebuilding homes, finding shelter for the homeless, and continuing to provide meals and other services for all the refugees at the camp. But as fears about the spread of Coronavirus within the densely-populated camp mount, Our AIM Foundation is asking for support to address the growing number of travails that these embattled people face.

Our AIM Foundation works in seven countries worldwide, and to date has impacted more than 2 million lives. They not only offer aid in building infrastructure and distributing food, but also offer trade school to women who have been victimized by abuse, education to children, fresh water, medical attention and sanitary facilities to villagers from the poorest regions in the world. Our AIM’s mission statement is to inspire hope, dignity and empowerment in communities across the world by providing sustained support to improve quality of life for people across the world.