Our Aim Foundation

Our School Program
Education is Not A Privilege, It is a Human Right!

At Our AIM Foundation, we’re passionate about unlocking the potential of every child through education. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing quality schooling to underprivileged children worldwide. Through our School Adoption Program, in collaboration with UNICEF, we’re addressing critical educational challenges in underprivileged areas across Pakistan, India, and Malawi. Join us in empowering futures and transforming lives.

Millions of Children Are Out of School Because of Poverty

Poverty remains a significant barrier to education worldwide, affecting millions of children and perpetuating cycles of inequality. This issue is particularly pronounced in low-income countries, where the lack of financial resources, infrastructure, and governmental support hinders access to quality education. Approximately 258 million children and adolescents worldwide are out of school. This figure includes 59 million children of primary school age (6 to 11 years), 62 million of lower secondary school age (12 to 14 years), and 138 million of upper secondary school age (15 to 17 years) .

Pak Grammar High School, Multan

Our Aim Foundation is actively addressing the educational challenges in Multan Division by revitalizing Grammar High School in Multan, Pakistan. Leading this initiative, the foundation tackles critical issues long plaguing the region’s education sector. Firstly, a modern double-story building has been constructed at the school, featuring 12 well-equipped classrooms, which addresses the severe shortage of learning spaces. The addition of modern bathrooms improves hygiene facilities, crucial for student and staff well-being. A new play area enhances the learning environment and promotes physical activity, while a dedicated computer lab bridges the digital divide, equipping students for a technology-driven future. Additionally, an Early Childhood Development (ECD) facility supports early learning initiatives, ensuring children have access to quality education from a young age.

Karangri School, Tharparkar, Sindh

With around 2.5 million out-of-school children in Sindh alone, economic challenges and societal issues such as child labor sustain a cycle of educational deprivation. The region’s education system faces obstacles like insufficient infrastructure, underqualified teachers, and a prevalent culture of academic dishonesty, all of which further impede opportunities for vulnerable youth. In light of these difficulties, Our AIM Foundation is dedicated to reshaping the educational sector. Situated in one of Pakistan’s most remote areas, Karangri School, we are equipping students and teachers with essential learning resources.

Tirich Mir Primary School

Tirich Mir faces significant challenges typical of remote mountainous regions: limited access to schools due to harsh terrain and seasonal road closures, a shortage of qualified teachers, and inadequate educational resources. Addressing these multifaceted issues requires substantial infrastructure improvements, targeted educational initiatives, cultural sensitivity, and economic development strategies tailored to the unique needs of remote mountain communities like those surrounding Tirich Mir in Pakistan. Tirich Mir Primary School, adopted by Our Aim Foundation, aims to provide quality education to over 60 students, creating an environment where both boys and girls have equal opportunities.

Talent High School, Karachi

Education in Karachi faces many problems, with around 40% of children not attending school due to poverty, safety issues, and poor school facilities. Many schools also lack basic resources, leading to a wide gap in education quality. Despite these challenges, IT Talent High School in Karachi, with over 170 students, exemplifies the Our Aim Foundation’s strong commitment to gender equality and equal education. Located in Karachi’s busy urban area, the school provides a safe and supportive environment where students from all backgrounds can succeed. With dedicated teachers and a supportive environment, the school helps students reach their full potential, promoting a culture of inclusion and empowerment that prepares them to be future leaders and contributors to a fairer society.

Primary School Mannadol, Bilaspur

The literacy rate of India stands at 77.7%, revealing a significant gender gap: 84.7% for males and 70.3% for females. Dropout rates are alarming, particularly at 17.3% in secondary education and even higher at the higher secondary level. Infrastructure deficiencies persist, with 24.64% of schools lacking functional girls’ toilets and 11.3% without drinking water facilities. The Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) varies widely, exacerbating disparities in access to quality education. Moreover, learning outcomes are poor, as evidenced by only 50.3% of grade 5 students reading at a grade 2 level and a mere 27.8% capable of basic division, highlighting the pressing need for targeted reforms across the educational landscape. In Chhattisgarh, India, at Primary School Mannadol in Bilaspur, there’s a remarkable transformation underway! Our aim is to craft a safe, supportive, and top-notch learning space for the 300 students and teachers.

Tongozola School, Malawi

In Malawi, significant educational challenges persist despite some advances. While 79% of children enroll in primary school, only 29% complete secondary education, underscoring ongoing issues with access and retention. Gender disparities persist, particularly disadvantaging girls in their educational opportunities. Widespread teacher shortages exacerbate these challenges, with an average of 131 students per qualified teacher in primary schools. Infrastructure deficiencies, such as inadequate sanitation facilities in 17% of primary schools, further hinder the learning environment. Tongozola School developed by Our Aim Foundation exemplifies our efforts to address these issues. By offering an Early Child Development Center and classes for standards 1 and 2, the school directly impacts the lives of 120 children. Through these initiatives we are improving educational outcomes at the community level.

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