Our Aim Foundation

Adopt a Child Program

Children reflect on what the future holds. Their upbringing and education impact social structures. Our investment in their well-being will yield dividends in the future and create the greatest impact. By adopting a child you commit to sponsoring the cost of their education and to ensuring that they get what they truly deserve; a loving environment with all their basic needs fulfilled so that they can focus on becoming doctors, engineers, or anything that their heart desires.

Our Aim Foundation

Adopt a Child Program

Children reflect on what the future holds. Their upbringing and education impact social structures. Our investment in their well-being will yield dividends in the future and create the greatest impact. By adopting a child you commit to sponsoring the cost of their education and to ensuring that they get what they truly deserve; a loving environment with all their basic needs fulfilled so that they can focus on becoming doctors, engineers, or anything that their heart desires.

Adopt an Orphan

Help us to adopt 100+ orphans & children from ultra-poor families across Pakistan, India & Malawi. $75 monthly will help a child with nutritious food to treat malnutrition and send a child to school with a backpack, books, and essential learning supplies. Quarterly & annual reports on the adopted child would be reported to the donor.



Pakistan has over 80 million children and is struggling to fulfill their needs. Only 20.88% of children live in urban areas and have access to fundamental needs. Furthermore, 24% of the entire Pakistani population lives below the poverty line, which mainly affects rural areas.


The issue of orphaned and abandoned children in India is a significant concern. UNICEF’s report on the high number of such children, 29.6 million, highlights the need for attention and action in addressing this problem. These children often face a multitude of challenges, including lack of access to education, healthcare, and a stable family environment.


Life is difficult for children in Malawi: 500,000 children have lost one or both parents to HIV and AIDS. They have limited access to health and nutrition services. There is an acute shortage of teachers and physical infrastructure. Many children don’t finish elementary school because they can’t afford school supplies, they’re needed for labor at home and they fear for their safety while at school.

Refugee Camps

Worldwide, more than 33 million children have been forcibly displaced at the end of 2020. Between 2005 and 2020, the global number of child refugees under UNHCR mandate more than doubled from four million to around 10 million.

Donate Now For Better World

Join us in our efforts to support those in need, advocate for important causes, and bring hope to communities around the globe. Together, we can make a significant impact and spread love and hope to those who need it most. Explore our website to learn more about our initiatives, volunteer opportunities, and how you can contribute to our noble cause