Success Stories

Rising through Challenges

Rising Resilience Awardee Argelia Perez Garcia perfectly encapsulates the essence of the tribute she has earned. Coming from a family of immigrants from Mexico, Garcia faced a significant loss at just five years old when her father passed away. Her mother, who barely knew English, had no stable income source and struggled to bear the immense responsibility of raising a family on her own. Her ultimate hope was for her children to pursue education and elevate their lives.

“Being raised by a single mother has definitely brought challenges towards education,” Argelia elaborated. “There were times when we struggled to go back to school because of piling expenses. It was really up to us to try to figure out everything.”

Despite financial constraints, the family had also faced significant social challenges in the past. “My mom wasn’t technically allowed to go to school because they wanted her to provide for her family,” recalls Argelia. “She has told me stories of her working since she was 10 to help her family financially and seeing her work hard to raise me and my two siblings when she became a single mother. She works two jobs just to raise us and have the opportunities she didn’t get sadly. Seeing her keep going even though she is extremely tired is something I admire, and that is why I push myself in school. Whatever we do, we always put school first.”

Argelia has a message for everyone sharing similar challenges. “Give it your best,” Argelia exclaimed. “It would be hard but it’s going to be worth it. Remember there are always others that you can reach out to you who are willing to help.”

For Argelia, that help primarily came from her mother.

Argelia is a proud recipient of the Rising Resilience Award by Our Aim Foundation. Read more about the award.