
10 Reasons Why Charity in the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah is Extra Rewarding

The first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah are profoundly significant in the Islamic calendar, offering a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and increased devotion.

During this sacred period, Muslims are encouraged to amplify their acts of goodness and piety, seeking the rewards promised in these blessed days.

As the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized, “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days.” The people asked, “Not even jihad for the sake of Allah?” He said, “Not even jihad for the sake of Allah, except in the case of a man who went out, giving himself and his wealth up for the cause (of Allah), and came back with nothing” (Sahih Bukhari).

Here are 10 reasons why giving charity during this sacred period is especially rewarding:

1. Maximizing Rewards in Blessed Times

The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are described by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as the best days of the year for good deeds. Any act of charity during this period is multiplied manifold in terms of reward. The increased merit associated with these days means your charitable contributions have a greater impact both spiritually and in terms of blessings. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized the significance of these days with a powerful reminder:

“There are no days greater and more beloved to Allah than these ten days of Dhul Hijjah, so increase in them your declaration of the oneness of Allah (Tahleel), your exaltation of Him (Takbeer), and your praise of Him (Tahmeed).” (Ahmad 5423)

So, seize these days with enthusiasm and determination. Let your actions reflect your faith and your desire to please Allah. Every moment is precious, and the rewards are beyond measure.

2. Following the Prophet’s Example During The first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized the significance of charity and acts of kindness throughout his life, and he particularly highlighted thefirst 10 days of Dhul Hijjah as a time to increase good deeds. By giving charity during these days, Muslims are following the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet and adhering to his guidance on maximizing the spiritual benefits of this blessed period.

3. Supporting Pilgrims During Hajj

Dhul Hijjah is the month of Hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. Many Muslims travel from around the world to perform this sacred duty, often facing financial challenges. Charitable contributions during this time can support pilgrims in need, providing them with the necessary resources to complete their pilgrimage. This act of support is highly valued and richly rewarded in Islam.

4. Earning the Pleasure of Allah

Charity is one of the most direct ways to earn the pleasure of Allah. In the Qur’an, Allah promises that acts of charity are not only rewarded in this life but also pave the way for eternal rewards in the Hereafter. Giving during Dhul Hijjah, when deeds are magnified, ensures that one is actively seeking Allah’s pleasure and mercy.

5. Purifying Wealth

One of the purposes of charity in Islam is to purify one’s wealth. By giving a portion of what you have, especially during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, you cleanse your earnings and ensure that your wealth is blessed. This act of purification is particularly emphasized during these holy days, amplifying the spiritual and material benefits of your donations.

6. Helping the Less Fortunate

Charity directly helps those in need, fulfilling a core tenet of Islamic teaching. The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are a prime opportunity to address the needs of the less fortunate, providing them with relief and support. The act of giving during this period brings immense satisfaction and gratitude, knowing that you are making a significant difference in someone’s life.

7. Spiritual Growth and Personal Development

Engaging in charity helps cultivate empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards others. During the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, when Muslims are encouraged to enhance their spiritual practices, giving charity becomes a means of personal development. It fosters a deeper connection with the community and strengthens one’s faith and commitment to Islamic principles.

8. Reinforcing Community Bonds

Charitable acts strengthen the bonds within the Muslim community. By supporting local and global initiatives, Muslims can unite in their efforts to provide relief and assistance. This sense of solidarity is especially pronounced during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual support that transcends geographical boundaries.

9. Following the Legacy of Sacrifice

Dhul Hijjah commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son in obedience to Allah’s command. This legacy of sacrifice is honored through acts of charity, reflecting a willingness to give up part of one’s wealth for the sake of others. Emulating this spirit of sacrifice during these days amplifies the spiritual rewards and reinforces the importance of selflessness in Islam.

10. Increasing Barakah (Blessings)

Acts of charity during Dhul Hijjah attract barakah, or blessings, into one’s life. By giving generously during these days, you can experience increased blessings in their health, wealth, and overall well-being. The promise of barakah extends to all aspects of life, making charity a powerful means of securing Allah’s favor and support.


The first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah offer a great opportunity for Muslims to enhance their spiritual lives through acts of charity. By maximizing the rewards associated with these blessed days, following the Prophet’s example, and supporting those in need, Muslims can experience profound spiritual growth and earn immense rewards from Allah. Take advantage of this special time to give generously and reap the countless benefits that come with charity during these sacred days.

During the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah, support Our Aim Foundation in providing essential resources, education, and healthcare to those in need by donating, volunteering, and spreading the word. By reflecting on the profound significance of these ten days and engaging in charity, we not only honor our faith but also extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters in need. May your generosity be rewarded manifold, and may these days bring peace and prosperity to all.