Success Stories

A Mother’s Dream Fulfilled

“The day Rameez was born, I was determined to nurture him like a delicate flower. Bringing a child into this world comes with immense responsibilities, and I was prepared to offer him the best of everything. From the start, I knew his success and happiness hinged on his education. Coming from a family that always prioritized education, I was committed to ensuring Rameez had the opportunity to excel.

However, after migrating from our village to the city, the financial strain made education feel like an unattainable luxury. Despite these challenges, every mother dreams of seeing her child overcome obstacles and achieve success. Driven by my passion for education, I sought schools that could offer Rameez a quality learning experience.

My search led me to a dedicated lady teacher who introduced me to Pak Grammar School in Garden Town, Multan. I learned that the school had recently been revitalized by Our Aim Foundation, and without hesitation, I arranged a visit.

Pak Grammar School was truly impressive! The facilities, including a state-of-the-art ECD room and a modern computer lab, were exceptional. The welcoming atmosphere and well-maintained classrooms made me confident that Rameez would not only be well cared for but also receive an enriching education.

As I envision Rameez’s future at this wonderful school, I am filled with hope and excitement. I am deeply grateful for the support and opportunities that have come our way and look forward to seeing Rameez thrive and achieve his full potential.”

~Mother of Rameez, student of Multan School Pakistan run by Our Aim Foundation