
Lebanon Programs

Lebanon has become a home to refugees fleeing war-torn countries of Syria and Palestine. It is already facing many local challenges and has not adequately paid attention to the welfare of the refugees who continue to live in abject poverty.


Women Empowered


Orphans Supported


Meals /Rashan Distributed

Palestinian Refugee Camps

After decades of turmoil in Gaza, the West Bank, and other areas of dispute in the Near East, more than 5 million Palestinians and their patrilineal descendants have been displaced, with more than 1.5 million currently living in United Nations refugee camps. To help support this underserved group, in 2020 Our AIM Foundation began funding projects to provide foodstuffs and other basic needs to Palestinian refugees in Southern Lebanon. Our team is working hard to make nutritious meals for a population in flux, preparing fully-cooked entrees and offering front-door delivery to families who otherwise would not be able to travel to our dining facility. Life in refugee camps is never easy, but Our AIM is dedicated to making it more manageable for those who need our help most. 

Syrian Refugee Camps

In response to the ongoing Syrian Civil War, in 2020 Our AIM Foundation began developing strategic partnerships with aid organizations on the ground in Beirut, Lebanon that are helping to support displaced Syrians. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, over 7.5 million Syrians have been internally displaced, and an additional 5 million have been forced to cross into neighboring countries as refugees to escape the terrors of war that prevail in their home country. Our AIM Foundation is helping to provide these refugees with food, clean water, shelter, education, and clothing that is suitable for the elements in their temporary camps.

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